How to use Free Software to learn Japanese, and more.

Donating to Tatsumoto

April 23, 2021 — Tatsumoto Ren

I really appreciate you being here. Because almost all my content is offered free of charge, this site and the Ajatt-Tools project relies on donations and support from its community to stay alive. We do not have ads or privacy-violating trackers, we are entirely dependent on you.

If this site, our community or the free software projects developed at Ajatt-Tools were useful to you, I'll appreciate if you donate to help me support myself and continue delivering new guides, tools and resources. You can support me over at one of the membership platforms or donate cryptocurrency.


Our project exists solely on the funds of subscribers. Since 2020, I have been working on AJATT full time. AJATT cannot be sustainable if I cannot buy food and pay my bills. Thousands of people visit this site every day. If even some of them contribute $1, it will be a huge help for us! A small symbolic donation of $1 or $5 will not make you poorer, but will save our common cause! ❤️ Please follow the links below and donate according to your abilities. Any amount of help is important. Do not let our common cause fail!

The money you donate primarily goes towards my paycheck for maintaining the website, updating and improving the existing articles (lessons), and writing new lessons. Additionally, the funds are used for working on Ajatt-Tools, which includes making, updating, and improving our software toolset, Anki add-ons, Anki decks, and other resources used in conjunction with the AJATT method. Depending on the monthly earnings, we might be able to afford a domain name and a hosting for this site, which is currently hosted for free on Neocities. If the funding is not sufficient, I may have to seek job opportunities elsewhere, which in turn would slow down the evolution and development of the AJATT method.

Your continued support through donations is crucial to the ongoing progress and maintenance of this valuable resource for language learners. A huge thank you to everyone who stays with us! It is only thanks to you that we are still standing!


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TON is a blockchain platform developed by Telegram. You can donate to Tatsumoto easily through the Telegram wallet. Send Toncoin (TON) to this address.




Bitcoin is another cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is not meant to be anonymous, but it's widely used. Here's a list of places where you can buy Bitcoins.




You can donate on Boosty too, which is a platform similar to Patreon.


By clicking the link below, you can subscribe to monthly donations. You can set a donation amount at checkout in the Tip section.



Donate crypto and send a message that I will receive via email.

Thank you very much for your support! If you're unable to support financially, please read and share my articles, recommend this site to your friends, and of course be a part of our community.